Danielle's Story
I have been living with Diabetes since I was 16 month old - that's over 40 years! I was also diagnosed with celiac disease on my 21st birthday.

I have spent my life coaching clients, and friends. I have honed my talents and am now a Certified Health and Wellness coach.

Throughout my career I was a camp director at The Barton Center for Diabetes Education and a Program Manager at the American Diabetes Association. I also run a support group The Massachusetts Type 1 Diabetes Meetup (T1DMU) which has over 500 members. My passion is in empowering people with diabetes to live their best life.

I live with my husband, Dave and my 2 children Eli, 10 & Leo, 7 in Boylston Ma. We enjoy dancing, singing, surprises, watching a movie in "mama bed", and family time.

Certified Life Coach
Certified Health and Wellness Coach
Associate Member of the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists.